
To securely interact with the Warehance API, you must authenticate your requests using an API Key. Below are the steps and guidelines to properly authenticate your API requests.

1. Obtaining an API Key

  1. Log in to Warehance:

    • Navigate to Warehance and log in with your credentials.
  2. Navigate to API Settings:

    • Once logged in, go to the Settings section located in the sidebar.
  3. Generate API Key:

    • In the API Keys subsection, click on Generate New API Key.
    • Provide a meaningful name for the API Key to identify its usage (e.g., "Production Key" or "Development Key").
    • Click Generate to create the API Key.
  4. Store API Key Securely:

    • Important: Copy the generated API Key and store it in a secure location. This key will not be shown again for security reasons.
    • Do not expose your API Key in client-side code, public repositories, or any unsecured environment.

2. Including the API Key in Requests

All API requests must include the API Key in the request headers to authenticate and authorize access.

  • Header Name: X-API-KEY
  • Header Value: Your unique API Key

Example Request:

GET /orders HTTP/1.1
X-API-KEY: your_api_key_here